Prof. Gaton is academically active in research, both basic and clinical, focusing mostly on glaucoma and his additional love - pathology and histopathology of eye diseases. In these areas of research, Prof. Gaton has led a number of studies and published over 150 professional articles, most of which are original articles that have undergone strict peer review. In addition, Prof. Gaton co-authored five books that serve as textbooks for medical students.
1. General Pathology. Gaton E, Gaton DD, Czerikover, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1st Edition, 1984, 397p., 2nd Edition, 1987, 397p.
2. Specific Pathology I. Gaton E, Gaton DD, Czerikover, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1994, 400p.
3. Abbreviations in Medicine, English and Hebrew.Gaton DD, Gaton E., Czerikover, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1st Edition, 1996, 256p; 2nd Edition, 1999, 242p.
4. Specific Pathology II. Gaton E, Gaton DD, Czerikover, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1998, 450p.
5. Specific Pathololgy III. Gaton DD, Gaton E, Czerikover, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2005, 333p.
1. Are the effects of thyroid hormone on target organs mediated through lysosomal enzymes? A histochemical study with acid phosphatase. Gaton DD, Gaton E, Wolman M.Cellular Molecular Biology. 1987;33(5):619-624.
2. The pituitary-thyroid axis effects on ocular and orbital tissues: A histological, histochemical and morphometric study. Gaton DD, Gaton E, Wolman M. Acta Histochem. 1992;92(1):61-66.
3. Toxic effects of systemic retinoids on meibomian glands. Kremer I, Gaton DD, David M, Gaton E, Shapiro A.Ophthalmic Res. 1994;26(2):124-128.
4. The novel Y371D myocilin mutation causes an aggressive form of juvenile open-angle glaucoma in a Caucasian family from the Middle-East. Avisar I, Lusky M, Robinson A, Shohat M, Dubois S, Raymond V, Gaton DD. Mol Vis. 2009;Sep 24;15:1945-1950.
5. Effect of repeated applanation tonometry on the accuracy of intraocular pressure measurements. Gaton DD, Ehrenberg M, Lusky M, Wussuki-Lior O, Dotan G, Weinberger D, Snir M.Curr Eye Res. 2010;Jun 35(6):475-479.
6. Effects of job-related stress and burnout on asthenopia among high-tech workers.Ostrovsky A, Ribak J, Pereg A, Gaton D. Ergonomics. 2012;55(8):854-862.
7. CO₂ laser welding of corneal cuts with albumin solder using radiometric temperature control. Strassmann E, Livny E, Loya N, Kariv N, Ravid A, Katzir A, Gaton DD. Ophthalmic Res. 2013;50(3):174-179.
8. Digital versus film stereo-photography for assessment of the optic nerve head in glaucoma and glaucoma suspect patients. Hasanreisoglu M, Priel E, Naveh L, Lusky M, Weinberger D, Benjamini Y, Gaton DD. J Glaucoma. 2013;Mar;22(3):238-242.
9. Corneal cut closure using temperature-controlled CO2 laser soldering system. Tal K, Strassmann E, Loya N, Ravid A, Kariv N, Weinberger D, Katzir A, Gaton DD. Lasers Med Sci. 2015;May;30(4):1367-1371.
10. Blood-Flow Velocity in Glaucoma Patients Measured with the Retinal Function Imager. Burgansky-Eliash Z, Bartov E, Barak A, Grinvald A, Gaton D. Curr Eye Res. 2016;Jul;41(7):965-970.
11. Chairs of United States Academic Ophthalmology Departments: A Descriptive Analysis and Trends. Dotan G, Qureshi HM, Gaton DD. Am J Ophthalmol. 2018;Dec;196:26-33.
12. Short-term anterior chamber inflammation in phacoemulsification with and without Ex-Press glaucoma implant. Graffi S, Tiosano B, Naftali M, Nakhoul N, Mimouni M, Hanna R, Gaton DD. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2020;May;30:533-537.
13. Diagnosis of pseudoexfoliation syndrome in pseudophakic patients. Sternfeld A, Luski M, Sella R, Zahavi A, Geffen N, Pereg A, Megiddo E, Gaton D. Ophthalmic Res. 2020;Apr 30. Epub ahead of print.
14. Cost containment by peer prior authorization program for second line treatment in patients with retinal disease. Rosenblatt A, Hekselman I, Rosenblatt I, Hekselman I, Gaton D. Israel J Health Policy Res. 2021;10:4-9.
15. Ophthalmologists and WhatsApp: Teleophthalmology is already here. Barayev E, Vorobichik Berar O, Dotan G, Skaat A, Gal-Or O, Gershoni A, Gaton D. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2021;PMID: 33719643.
16. Incidence of non-glaucomatous ocular disease in patients with asymmetric optic disc cupping. Bialer OY, Mimouni M, Dotan G, Deitch I, Rabina G, Gaton DD. Int Ophthalmol. 2021;41:2797-2804.